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Berthe-Massage Doll

Waldorf dolls created to be massage by children.

They are made in India by Tibetan Women.

Height 55cm, wide 20cm and 10cm 

With fingers, toes, and toes that separate them from the Waldorf traditional dolls.

Click here to Purchase

$135.00 CDN


Clara-Massage Doll

Waldorf fabric dolls 55cm high, 20cm wide and 10cm tall.

Designed for children to massage the dolls.

They have fingers, toes, knees etc. that differentiate them from traditional Waldorf dolls.

Click here to Purchase

$135.00 CDN


Cloé-Massage Doll

Waldorf fabric dolls 55cm high, 20cm wide and 10cm tall.

Designed for children to massage the dolls.

They have fingers, toes, knees etc. that differentiate them from traditional Waldorf dolls.

Click here to Purchase

$135.00 CDN


Diane Massage Doll

Waldorf fabric dolls 55cm high, 20cm wide and 10cm tall.

Designed for children to massage the dolls.

They have fingers, toes, knees etc. that differentiate them from traditional Waldorf dolls

Click here to Purchase

$135.00 CDN


Dominic Massage Doll

Waldorf fabric dolls 55cm high, 20cm wide and 10cm tall.

Designed for children to massage the dolls.

They have fingers, toes, knees etc. that differentiate them from traditional Waldorf

Click here to Purchase

$135.00 CDN


Elyse Massage Doll

Waldorf fabric dolls 55cm high, 20cm wide and 10cm tall.

Designed for children to massage the dolls.

They have fingers, toes, knees etc. that differentiate them from traditional Waldorf

Click here to Purchase

$135.00 CDN


Bed for Massage Doll

Bag in Cotton and Zipper to keep dolls warm for the night.

73cm long x 49cm

Click here to Purchase

$50.00 CDN


20z Plastic Blue Bottle with Cap

For Massage Oil

Click here to Purchase

$1.50 CDN Each


Facilitating IAIM Parents and Babies Classes - Sylvie Hétu

Including :

  • Ice Breakers;
  • Theory;
  • Discussions;
  • Overcoming main challenges.

In this long awaited book, Sylvie Hétu shares her deep knowledge of the IAIM Curriculum, all informed by her 30 year`s of experience in facilitating parents and babies classes and her passion about education.

"I know this book will be very helpful to instructors all around the world, from those who have been with us since the early days to present and in the future. I am very proud of this work, which I know has taken a great deal of work to bring to fruition."

-Vimala McClure 
Founder of the International Association of Infant Massage

Click here to Purchase

$25.00 CDN
